Ganesh Laxmi Position Murti

October 1, 2024 By vprintquality Off

laxmi ganesh murti position

Ganesh Laxmi Position Murti

The astrologically correct sitting position of ganesh laxmi position follows certain traditional beliefs rooted in mythology and symbolism. According to astrological principles and scriptures, the relationship between Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi is akin to that of a mother and son. This bond influences their placement in prayers and rituals, particularly during festivals like Diwali, when both are worshipped together for wealth, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles.

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Key Points on Astrologically Correct Lakshmi-Ganesh Murti Position:

  1. Ganesha on the Left, Lakshmi on the Right:
    • Astrological Significance: As per astrology and Hindu scriptures, Ganesha should sit on the left of Lakshmi. This mirrors the symbolic relationship of son and mother, where the son (Ganesha) is positioned to the left of the mother (Lakshmi).
    • Husband-Wife Placement Analogy: This placement is also compared to the traditional position of a husband and wife during rituals, where the husband stands or sits on the right and the wife on the left. By this reasoning, children (in this case, Ganesha) are placed on the left side of the mother.
  2. Balancing Prosperity and Wisdom:
    • Goddess Lakshmi represents wealth, prosperity, and material success. Sitting on the right side signifies the dominant, active aspect of prosperity.
    • Lord Ganesha represents wisdom, intellect, and the remover of obstacles. His placement on the left complements Lakshmi’s qualities, ensuring that prosperity is accompanied by wisdom and the elimination of hurdles.
  3. Seated Together:
    • Both deities are usually depicted in a seated position, symbolizing stability. This means that the blessings of wealth, wisdom, and the removal of obstacles are meant to remain steady and enduring in the home or business.
  4. Direction of Placement:
    • For best results, their idols or pictures should face the north or east, directions associated with good fortune and positive energy flow according to Vastu and astrology.


Placing Lord Ganesha on the left of Goddess Lakshmi is considered the astrologically correct and auspicious positioning for their murtis. This arrangement reflects their mother-son relationship, where Ganesha’s wisdom balances Lakshmi’s wealth, ensuring a harmonious combination of intellect and prosperity in one’s life. This traditional setup is often used during rituals to invoke their blessings for peace, success, and happiness.

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